Hey everyone, here’s a proper goodbye you deserve. -Riku

As you can see, I did not exactly leave the site in a very professional manner. I’ve been so busy with life that reflecting on 2010-2018 was surreal. My eight years in Graal were rewarding, and I don’t regret it. Looking back, I’m filled with so many memories of my former friends. Despite what people say, they’re more than just “online friends.” In the past few years, graal has enabled me to learn many things I haven’t realized before.

I now have a beautiful daughter and a wonderful husband. I love them both unconditionally. It reminded me of graal when my friends and I got together and talked about how we’d first become friends. Having met so many people there, I continue to follow some of them on my Instagram account. Hahaha! You guys are doing great 🙂

Remember that even if you feel like your life is going nowhere, you’ll be fine. There are certain challenges in life you can’t avoid! It won’t be easy, but you’ll get through it. Your resilience and hardships make you who you are. Furthermore, if you’re wondering if you’ll ever look back on graal, you will! It’ll be worth it 🙂 I’ve made so many memories in this game, and I’m glad it’s still around four years later. 

Thank you so much for supporting my site, and See you later!